Clever Clogs tip # 696
30 March 2022

Keyboard shortcut to jump back to your inbox (Microsoft Outlook) *

This week's tip is inspired by Inka who wrote the following ...

     "I have about 50 subfolders underneath my Inbox. So it would be great if there is a keyboard shortcut where you can jump back directly from a subfolder to the inbox instead of scrolling up. But maybe this doesn't exist?"

Well, it does exist ...

     CTRL + SHIFT + i

If you need a mnemonic (or "donkey bridge" as the Dutch and Germans call these memory aids) think of the letter i for inbox.

Thanks for the question, Inka! I wrote it on a post-it note and stuck it on my laptop, so it's now part of my favourite Outlook keyboard shortcuts. I particularly love the fact that you can also use it to jump from, say, your calendar to your inbox. If you want to go back to the subfolder you were in before you went to your calendar, press CTRL + 1.

Related tips

  1. Top ten Microsoft Outlook shortcuts: tip_538.php
  2. A is for Appointments: tip_650.php
  3. Open your Calendar by default (Microsoft Outlook) - tip_600.php
  4. Quickly jump between the various Outlook components: tip_259.php


PS Do you use mnemonics to help you remember something? Find out about my favourite ones in my article for Executive Support Magazine, the essential training resource for the world's administrative professionals. (By the way, isn't it ironic that the very word describing the technique intended to assist your memory is almost impossible to remember, let alone spell?!)

* Unless stated otherwise this tip is written for Microsoft 365 desktop apps and Windows 10 users, but might also be useful in Office 2010, 2013 and 2016.