Contact us

Get in touch to find out how we can help you to elevate your skills.

Get in touch

Give Karen a call if you would like to have a chat about your particular training requirements.

If you cannot get through on the phone, send Karen a message and she will call you back. Alternatively, request a 15-minute MS Teams call. (Never used Teams? No problem! No need to install a thing.)

Although based in Cambridge (UK) training can be delivered at any location. We offer all our courses on a one-to-one or group basis. Sessions can also be run over a couple of days or week, as virtual sessions via MS Teams.

Contact us for availability and pricing.

Office hours

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (UK time)
Outside office hours by arrangement

Office address

Roem Limited is registered in England and Wales, number 05273176
Registered office: Sun House, 23 Queen Edith's Way, Cambridge CB1 7PH, United Kingdom

Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) registration reference Z9572270