Clever Clogs tip # 749
16 December 2024

Top 4 of 2024 *

Hello and welcome to the final tip of 2024! As always, this means it's time for the highly anticipated (ahum!) "Top Tips of the Year", a tradition I've proudly maintained since 2015 ... tips you've been emailing me about. Speaking of which ... thank you for your comments and feedback. You know who you are - and it means a lot!

So without further ado, here is your top four of 2024:

  1. How (not) to send a PivotTable report to a third party (Microsoft Excel) tip_740.php
  2. Change the way emails are displayed in the message list (Microsoft Outlook): tip_743.php
  3. Manage your data using checkboxes (Excel 365): tip_744.php
  4. Directly add a screenshot of any open window to your document or email (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook version 2010 and later): tip_745.php

This year - apart from 12 new tips, 2 bonus tips (in July and November) and 75 #CleverClogsTipTime tips on LinkedIn - I amended 5 tips in the tip archive.

  1. Listen to Hazel, George or Susan stumble over mistakes in your draft email or document (Outlook and Word 365): tip_678.php
  2. See the data behind a specific value in a PivotTable report (Excel 2003-2013): tip_399.php
  3. Set all the folders on your computer to match the current folder's view settings (Windows 7 - 10): tip_360.php
  4. Reuse formatting using the format painter shortcut (Office 2000 - 2010): tip_352.php
  5. How to keep your documents within easy reach (Windows 7 - 10): tip_315.php

Top tips of 2015 - 2023

  1. Best of 2022 - top 3 tips: tip_736.php
  2. Best of 2022 - top 12 tips: tip_723.php
  3. Best of 2021 - top 11 tips: tip_683.php
  4. Best of 2020 - top 10 tips: tip_634.php
  5. Best of 2019 - top 10 tips: tip_591.php
  6. Best of 2018 - top 10 tips: tip_559.php
  7. Best of 2017 - top 10 tips: tip_529.php
  8. Best of 2016 - top 10 tips: tip_502.php
  9. Best of 2015 - top 10 tips: tip_470.php

That's it! Hope it's helpful. Enjoy the rest of the festive season. And remember: Escape isn't just a button on your keyboard!


PS If you find my tips helpful, you'll love my training sessions! Whether it's a 1-hour webinar, one-to-one IT coaching, onsite training, or even conference talks, I guarantee you'll uncover game-changing features to save time and banish frustration in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

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* Unless stated otherwise this tip is written for Microsoft 365 desktop apps and Windows 11 users, but might also be useful in Office 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.