Weekly Computer Tip # 302
26 February 2010

Finding posh synonyms
(Office 2003-2007)

Back in 2007 I told you about the Research button to open dictionaries, thesauruses and various Internet research Web sites without having to leave MS Office. (Great if your boss otherwise suspects you're browsing the web for non-work related things.) You also learned you could simply point to a word or cell, hold down the ALT key and click the mouse button to open the Research pane. (See tip_191.php if you want to find out more.) Well, there is an even quicker way to find a word with the same meaning if you find yourself using the same word over and over in your document, presentation or email message.

Here's how:

  1. Right-click the word that you want to look up.
  2. Select Synonyms from the dropdown list.
  3. Click the (posh) word you want to use to replace the current word.

If only it was that easy to switch to a posh accent. (Accent? Moi? ;-)
