📞 01223 214177 ✉️ karen@roem.co.uk
Hello and welcome to the first Tuesday of the month - it's Clever Clogs Tip Time!
For those of you in the States, I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving. And for my subscribers in the Netherlands, enjoy Thursday's festivities!
Now, on to the tip! Microsoft has recently introduced a new Focus Cell feature in Excel for Microsoft 365 users. (Don't hit delete just yet ... I've got a handy workaround at the bottom. And don't unsubscribe ... next month's tip is all about Outlook!)
It highlights the row and column of the active cell to help you keep track of your position in a spreadsheet. I particularly like it to easily spot the row I'm in. And I love how it helps the search experience when using CTRL + F to find text or numbers!
Here are some snippets that I hope you'll find useful.
And as promised for those of you who don't have the new Focus Cell option but are intrigued ... you can use Conditional Formatting or VBA. See How to highlight active row and column in Excel.
That's it for today. I'll be back later this month with your favourite, most commented on, tips from the last 12 months. Is this one of them?
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Karen Roem
PS If you and I are not connected on LinkedIn, please reach out and put that right. I'm always keen to connect directly but if you'd prefer to follow me instead, then please do. You can find me at https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenroem/
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Unless stated otherwise this tip is written for Microsoft 365 desktop apps and Windows 11 users, but might also be useful in Office 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.
2025-01-13: This morning, I noticed that Focus Cell now works perfectly even with 'Freeze Panes' or 'Split' turned on.
The compatibility issue between the Freeze Panes feature and Focus Cell has been fixed. Thanks, Microsoft!