📞 01223 214177 ✉️ karen@roem.co.uk
Welcome to the tip of the month July!
Many many moons ago (my tip about it dates back to October 2004) it was possible to automatically create a slide from titles of other slides. I used it as my Agenda and Recap slide. No idea why it was taken away, as it was fab. OK, I can obviously add manual hyperlinks to my slides, but it's cumbersome.
Instead, you might want to check out the unintuitively named Summary Zoom feature. I think it's mainly meant to be used in combination with sections (I see another tip coming up.) but you might find this handy. I certainly do!
Here's how:
When you click on one of the thumbnails when presenting (F5 anyone?!) you will move to (and through) that part of your presentation before coming back to the summary slide. Have a go ... it's easier done than said!
By the way, I know for sure this works in PowerPoint 365 as well as version 2019, but I don't know whether it was already available in v2016. (If you are using v2016 perhaps you can let me know?!)
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CleverClogsTipTime on LinkedIn in June
That's it. See you next month. In the meantime follow #CleverClogsTipTime on LinkedIn for more shortcuts, hints and tips. And if you like my tips and want to support my work, the best way would be to leave a comment on posts on LinkedIn.
Unless stated otherwise this tip is written for Microsoft 365 desktop apps and Windows 10 users, but might also be useful in Office 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.
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