Tip of the week # 659
17 June 2021

Arrange windows side-by-side without being asked what to snap next to it (Windows 10) *

Windows 10 has a wealth of nifty, new features, but I cannot get my head around some of the new settings.

One of them is that every time I want to arrange my windows side-by-side I have to tell it what I want to "snap" next to it. That default setting is probably great if you didn't know about the functionality, but if you've been using it since 2011 it might drive you around the bend.

So I was delighted when one of my delegates in a recent 60-minutes Windows webinar shared how to change the default setting.

Here's how:

  1. Press the WIN key (the one with the Windows logo) and type snap.
  2. Make sure Snap settings is selected and press ENTER.
  3. Unselect the When I snap a window, show what I can snap next to it check box.
  4. Close the window, as normal.

Next time you want to arrange your windows side-by-side like you used to do in Windows 7, simply press WIN + left arrow to snap the window to the left side of the screen. Then, click anywhere in the window you want to snap to the right and press WIN + right arrow. To maximize the window, press WIN + up arrow.

With special thanks to Neil Marr and apologies that I hadn't spotted it in the chat. Hope the bragging rights to be on my website will make up for it ;)

Related tips

  1. Show running applications and find recently opened documents : tip_644.php
  2. Show the day of the week in the taskbar : tip_647.php
  3. Set the Print Screen key to open screen snipping : tip_603.php
  4. Arrange windows side-by-side (Windows 7) : tip_330.php

* Unless stated otherwise this tip is written for Microsoft 365 desktop apps and Windows 10 users, but might also be useful in Office 2010, 2013 and 2016.