📞 01223 214177 ✉️ karen@roem.co.uk
Back in May 2018 I told you about one of my bugbears in Excel being that you cannot add a zero in front of a number, which I often want to use for telephone numbers. At the time I told you to type an apostrophe (') in front of the number. But during a recent Excel training session one of my delegates shared his way of tackling the fact that 01223214177 should not be turned into 1223214177.
Here's how:
For example 01223 214177. If it's not a landline, simply add a space anywhere. Say, 07941 848326.
Excel will treat the number as text and will leave it exactly as you typed it.
Thanks for this tip, Francois!
Related tips
Tip # 543: How to put a zero in front of a number - tip_543.php
Tip # 193: Display your numbers with leading zeros - tip_193.html
* Unless stated otherwise, these tips were written for Microsoft Office 2010.
You can now change Excel's default behaviour and disable specific types of automatic data conversions,
such as leading zeros.
File > Options > Data.
Automatic Data Conversion
Disable this option and 01223 remains 01223 rather than 1223.