Tip of the week # 519
14 August 2017

Quick way to paste content of the clipboard into an email message (Microsoft Outlook) *

Do you ever copy and paste text from, say, the web or applications such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint into an email message? If so, you probably first open a new email, then click in the body of the message and finally paste what's on your clipboard. If so, you can save yourself some time ...

Here's how:

  1. Copy the text or figures or file, as normal.
  2. Switch to Outlook. (Remember ALT + TAB or WIN + TAB to flip through your open windows? See tip_419.php)
  3. Press CTRL + V.

Whatever you copied in step 1 is automatically included in the body of the new email message. And as mentioned in step 1, this even works when you copy a file, which will add the document as an attachment to the email. That said, if you want to share one or more files with somebody in your organisation it might be better to send a link to the item, rather than an attachment. See tip_431.php.

Finally, you can obviously do this copying and pasting even smarter using a macro, but I think the method described above is a great time-saver in itself. But speaking of macros ... on 6 - 7 September we run our next two-day Excel VBA course, aimed at anyone who needs to understand and write code that operates within Excel. If you want to learn how to automate repetitive tasks, add new functionality to Excel and format data into reports why not come along? See msexcvba.php for more detail. Oh, and it's guaranteed to run!

Related tips:
Tip # 419: Preview and flip through your open windows ( tip_419.php )
Tip # 431 : Send links rather than attachments ( tip_431.php )

* Unless stated otherwise, these tips were written for Microsoft Office 2010.