Weekly Computer Tip # 328
21 January 2011

find and highlight all occurrences of a word
(Word 2003-2007)

Word's "Find" feature can be used to find a particular word or phrase or to replace certain text with other text. But did you know you can also use it to highlight all occurrences of a particular word in the document? This will make it very easy to quickly "scan" a document.

Here's how:

  1. Press CTRL+F.
  2. In the Find what box, type the text that you want to search for.
  3. In Word 2003: tick the "Highlight all items found in" check box and press the Find All button. In Word 2007: click the Reading Highlight button, and then click Highlight All.
  4. Click the Close button.

Please note that although the text is highlighted on the screen, it isn't highlighted when the document is printed.

To turn off highlighting on the screen:

  1. Press CTRL+F once more.
  2. In Word 2003, untick the "Highlight all items found in" check box and click on the Find Next button, followed by Cancel. In Word 2007 click the Reading Highlight button, followed by Clear Highlighting.

Finally, don't forget you have just over a week left to try and win a bottle of 10 year old whisky to celebrate our 10th birthday. See 1111.html for further details.
