Weekly Computer Tip # 317
27 August 2010

brighten up your Google homepage background

It's a Bank Holiday weekend so... it rains. If you need some cheering up why not change your Google homepage background to something that makes you smile. OK, I didn't have much luck uploading my own favourite pickie but there was plenty to chose from "out of the box".

Here's how:

  1. Click on the "Change background image" link in the bottom left corner of the Google homepage.
  2. Click on your favourite picture in the Public gallery or from the Editor's picks. (Mine is the very last colourful one from the Editor's picks. Now why would that be? ;)

And fear not, if you get fed up with your chosen image (or perhaps the sun comes out on Tuesday and you no longer need cheering up), simply click the "Remove background image" in the bottom left corner of the homepage.

Happy Bank Holiday!
