Outlook course and webinar schedule

All times shown are UK times, but we are flexible and sessions can be arranged outside office hours - at no extra cost.

As we respect the fact that people make special arrangements in their personal and professional lives for attending a course, we never cancel classes due to insufficient enrolments. Once payment is received, the course is guaranteed to run.

Find out more Date Time Where Price
Outlook Hints and Tips Mon 24 Mar 12:00 - 13:00 Online £ 49.00    book

All prices are per person. VAT is not applicable.
The course fee includes a handout with exercise files and a month free support on the topics learned.

Payment options

  • BACS transfer
  • Debit or credit card
  • PayPal
  • Cheque
  • Monthly retainer agreements

For advice about the suitability of a course or to discuss a tailored approach, email karen@roem.co.uk or call us on 01223 214177.

NOTE: Do you have concerns about the new Outlook and the planned changes?
The new Outlook is still evolving and there's no date for the switchover yet, but it is happening. Karen Roem is here to take you through the pros and cons, helping you stay ahead of the curve. Microsoft is actively looking for feedback, so your input can contribute to future updates!
When: On request

Interested but cannot make the date?
If you cannot make the scheduled date or there are no training dates planned for the course you are looking for or if you are looking for courses for a group of people, please contact karen@roem.co.uk.

Training can take place at the Sun House or we can come to you.