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Weekly Computer Tip # 77
21 August 2004

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Ways to organise your Inbox - part II (Microsoft Outlook)

Several of you have asked for an archive of tips I've cranked out so far, which I'm delighted about as it shows you're keen to learn more! So in my quest to try and help you make the most of your time while using your computer I've decided to work on automating a weekly tip archive -- watch this space (or rather: watch www.roem.co.uk/hints.html ).

Which leads on quite nicely to this week's tip as it's all about automating your filing so you can set up your own archives. As mentioned last week you can create rules in Outlook to handle incoming mail and automatically move messages from someone to a specific folder. However,

Did you know ...

Outlook makes it even easier for you to organise the Inbox by using the Organize tool. (I know "we" spell it with an "s" but not in Bill Gates' part of the world! ;-)

Here's how:

  1. Select the message you want to have automatically filed in future (for instance this tip).
  2. Click the Organize button on the Standard toolbar.
  3. In the second bulleted item, select a folder from the dropdown box. (To move messages to a folder that isn't not listed, click "Other Folder" from the dropdown list.)
  4. Click Create.

This rule will be applied to new messages as they are received. If you would like to run this rule on the contents of the folder containing the message you had selected earlier (say, the Inbox) click Yes.

Now you can more easily identify important messages in your inbox and quickly find the information you're looking for. Perhaps you want to create a new folder to store messages from your boss, and then set up a rule to automatically move all future messages from your boss into that folder. (And obviously we won't tell him/her about all the time we've saved implementing these tips! When I say "we" I mean, of course, other people ;-)

Until next week.

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PS I’m committed to sharing the best of what I know with others so please don’t keep me a secret. If you enjoyed today’s tip, please forward it to anyone you feel may benefit. Alternatively, feel free to reprint it (with full copyright and subscription information) in your newsletters and message boards.

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