Tip of the week # 536
4 March 2018

Top ten Microsoft Word shortcuts *

Following the success of the recent top ten Excel tips (even Microsoft themselves @msexcel tweeted "Great tips!" - woohoo!) herewith your favourite Word shortcuts with links to the relevant tips, if any. I hope you enjoy them!

  1. CTRL + ALT + 1, CTRL + ALT + 2, CTRL + ALT + 3 - Apply Heading 1, 2, 3 style - tip_423.php
  2. CTRL + ENTER - Insert page break
  3. CTRL + F - Open the Navigation Pane - tip_415.php
  4. CTRL + G - Display the Go To dialog box - tip_472.php
  5. F3 - AutoComplete Quick Parts - tip_486.php
  6. F4 - Repeat your last action - tip_352.php
  7. F7 - Select the Spelling command
  8. SHIFT + F1 - Reveal Formatting - tip_498.php
  9. SHIFT + F3 - Toggle between UPPER CASE, lower case and Sentence Case - tip_19.html
  10. SHIFT + F5 - Return to the location you were last working in - tip_400.php

CTRL + G also works in Excel and Outlook, F3 and SHIFT + F1 also in Outlook, F4 also in Excel and PowerPoint and SHIFT + F3 also in Outlook and PowerPoint.

Oh, and if you want to add any of the tip pages to your list of Favorites/Bookmarks, simply press CTRL + D.


* Unless stated otherwise, these tips were written for Microsoft Office 2010.