Tip of the week # 521
4 September 2017

Preview and flick through the pages of your document (Word 2010 onwards) *

Those of you who like keyboard shortcuts no doubt use CTRL + P to open the "Backstage view", from where you can preview and print files. But did you know you can also use keyboard shortcuts to flick through the pages of your document, rather than clicking on the Next Page and Previous Page buttons at the bottom of the window?

Here's how:

  • CTRL + P: Switch to print preview
  • ENTER: Print the document
  • PgUp or PgDn or your arrow keys: Flick through your pages in print preview
  • CTRL + HOME: Move to the first page in print preview
  • CTRL + END: Move to the last page in print preview
  • ESC: Go back to your document to make changes before you print. (You might want to check out tip 417 if you have to do this a lot. See tip_417.php)

By the way, I cannot find a quick way to jump to the right hand side of the Backstage view. So either use your mouse or press TAB until the previewed page is selected (13 times, if you're counting) so you can use your arrow keys, CTRL + HOME and CTRL + END.

Related tips
Tip # 417 : Make changes to your document from the Print Preview and Print page (Word 2010) tip_417.php
Tip # 404 : Fit a worksheet on the printed page (Excel 2010-2013) tip_404.php


* Unless stated otherwise, these tips were written for Microsoft Office 2010.