Tip of the week # 508
26 February 2017

Make it easier to spot the mouse pointer (Microsoft Windows) *

If you want to add some text in, say, a Word document or an Outlook email message, you must move the insertion point to the location where the change is to be made. The pointer usually appears as a vertical bar, but what if you struggle to spot it? If so, you're not alone ... many users don't like the standard mouse pointer. So why not change it?

Here's how:

  1. Press the Windows (WIN) key and type pointer. (No need to first click in the Search box; your cursor is already there - even though you might not spot it.)
  2. Click on Change how the mouse pointer looks.
  3. Use your down and up arrows to flick through the various schemes and select the one of your choice. (Mine is Windows Black (extra large).)
  4. Press ENTER.

Your cursor will now be easier to find when "at rest". You can also change how the mouse pointer looks when it's moving, but let's leave that for another tip.

Related tips:
Hide the arrow pointer during a slide show : tip_287.php

* Unless stated otherwise, these tips were written for Microsoft Office 2010.