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The other day somebody asked me to help him find anything that was formatted in the colour red in an email message he had received. The sender was unaware that the person was colour blind and that he could not see the difference between the text formatted in black and that in the colour red. As red was used to emphasize what needed to be amended, it was crucial for him to find it.
Apparently colour blindness (colour vision deficiency, or CVD) affects approximately 1 in 12 men (8%) and 1 in 200 women in the world, so today's tip is how to make text look like it was marked with a highlighter pen, which the person said would be easy to spot.
Here's how:
You can also highlight existing text by clicking on the Text Highlight Color button and by dragging the mouse pointer over the text. Click the button again or press the Escape button on your keyboard to turn the highlighter attribute off.
See tip 401 (tip_401.php) for help how to find (and replace) highlighted text in Word. Tip 108 (tip_108.html) explains how to find text in an email message.
* Unless stated otherwise, these tips were written for Microsoft Office 2010.
Interesting to know that highlighting is easier for those with colour blindness. You live and learn!
Sheila Levy
Cambridge Academy of English