Weekly Computer Tip # 362
24 February 2012

disable transparency of the window borders
(Windows 7)

In Windows 7, transparency is enabled by default, allowing you to have a quick peek at your desktop or gadgets. Because I still seem to be in the habit of double-clicking in the window's title bar to maximize to a full-size window (even though I told you the new way by pressing the Windows key + up arrow; see tip_330.php) this blurred bit around the window borders drives me crazy as I keep clicking in the wrong area. So you might, for whatever reason, want to disable the "glass effect".

Here's how:

  1. Click on the Start button or press the Windows (WIN) key and type glass in the Search box.
  2. Select the Enable or disable glass on windows option.
  3. Untick the Enable transparency check box.
  4. If you want, change the colour of your window borders, Start menu and taskbar. (Mine are obviously orange! ;)
  5. Click the Save changes button.

By the way, if you cannot find this feature, it means you are using a version of Windows 7 which does not have "Aero Transparency" included.

Finally, if you want to find out how to make the best use of Windows 7 's wealth of new and improved features, sign up for the course which takes place on March 5th at the Sun House, Queen Edith's Way, Cambridge, so it is local to many businesses. This course is just half a day because I know that a great deal can be accomplished in just a few hours. After all, how many pointless meetings last this long? ;)
