Weekly Computer Tip # 311
10 June 2010

Sort your software programs alphabetically
(Windows XP)

Many many moons ago (on 22 March 2008 to be precise; see tip_226.php) I told you how to sort your Internet Explorer Favorites. Well, this tip also works for your All Programs menu so if you dislike chaos (any Virgos out there?) and have an out of control All Programs list, why not sort it alphabetically.

Here's how:

  1. Open your Start menu. (Easiest way - I feel - is to press to WINdows key, next to your ALT key.)
  2. Select All Programs.
  3. Right-click any icon or name and select Sort by Name.

By the way, I thought of this tip when I installed Spotify the other day (giving me - legal! - access to over eight million tracks and albums; see http://www.spotify.com/get-spotify/go/open/) but when I tried to find it in my All Programs menu I realised what a mess my list was. (And no, I wasn't born between 23 August and 22 September.)
