Weekly Computer Tip # 303
22 March 2010

Add a cover page
(Word 2007)

... or rather: "Hello and welcome to ***Monthly*** Computer Tip" as it's been a while. (Other things - such as life! - took over.) Hope you used my absence to work through the tip archive!? ;-) (See hints.html)

Today's tip is for Office 2007 users only, so apologies if you haven't yet upgraded. But no need to unsubscribe (yet) ... most tips are for older versions too!

Word 2007 offers fifteen predesigned cover pages that you can easily change to make it look the way you want. Cover pages are always inserted at the beginning of a document, no matter where you have your cursor. (Even though I would have liked to remind you of the CTRL+Home keyboard shortcut to jump to the top of your page.)

Here's how:

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Pages group, click Cover Page.
  2. Select a cover page layout from the options.
  3. Click the sample text - such as "Type the document title" or "Type the abstract" - and type your own text. (No need to delete it first.)

If you chose a design with a picture, such as "Motion" or "Transcend", you can simply right-click the picture and select "Change Picture" to add your own.

Oh, and if you change your mind about the layout, simply repeat step 1 and 2. The earlier cover page will be removed but any text you already entered will be applied to your new choice. How cool is that?
