📞 01223 214177 ✉️ karen@roem.co.uk
We all have our favourite commands so you might want to put yours on the Quick Access Toolbar. (Remember? You can simply right-click any command or button and then click Add to Quick Access Toolbar. See tip # 218, tip_218.php for more information.) Well, any new button will be added at the far end of the toolbar, which might not be the spot where you want it, as June Eyles (who can claim full bragging rights for this week's tip) recently pointed out to me. So why not move the button to your desired location on the Quick Access Toolbar?
Here's how:
By the way, if you ever want to remove a button from the Quick Access Toolbar, simply right-click it and select Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.
Finally, there are still a few places left on Tuesday's half day Excel modules; 97 pounds only and worth every penny! (Or so Kate Hesse of On Track Physiotherapy Ltd commented on her feedback from.) See course_schedule.php for full course details.