Course Evaluation

In trying to improve the quality and effectiveness of the training, your opinion on the course you have just attended is welcomed. Please take a moment to fill out this form, ensuring all mandatory fields - indicated by an asterisk - are completed. (If you prefer to remain anonymous, please feel free to omit your name and company details.)

I know everyone hates forms, which is why - as an incentive - I pledge to make a donation to "Children of Nepal" for every completed form I receive, so your feedback can make a real difference! "Children of Nepal" is a small British charitable organisation close to my heart, that has the aim of extending and improving educational opportunities for children living in Nepal, one of the poorest countries in the world.

Your Name:
Your Company:
Please insert the numbers you see
The course objectives were clearly stated*
I found the course valuable*
The course was relevant to my work*
I found the handouts useful*
The pace of the training was satisfactory*
The trainer explained things clearly*
Please state some of the key ideas you will be able to apply at work:
Which part(s), if any, do you think needs to be altered?
What is your favourite tip you picked up today?
Please share any comments or suggestions about the course (content, trainer, facility, materials etc.):
May I use your comments in future promotions? Yes   No
If you would like to start the week with a free computer tip then enter your email address here: