Weekly Computer Tip # 273
20 June 2009

editing text in Print Preview
(Word 2000-2007)

Hopefully we all do our bit to save some trees and use Print Preview before actually printing a document. Print Preview shows your document as it will appear when you print it and is a great way to spot errors. Until recently, whenever I noticed a mistake, I would come out of Print Preview to fix my document ... until I found out I can edit my text in Print Preview.

Here's how:

  1. Open Print Preview as normal. (In Word 2007 click the Microsoft Office Button - the big blob in the top left -, point to the arrow next to Print, and then click Print Preview. In earlier versions choose the File, Print Preview command or click on the Print Preview button on the Standard toolbar.)
  2. Uncheck the Magnifier tick box on the Print Preview toolbar. (In previous versions of Word simply click on the Magnifier button - the second from the left - in the toolbar.)

The pointer changes from a magnifying glass to an I-beam and you are ready to make your changes to the page you were looking at a moment ago and you can scroll through the rest of the document as normal. To return to the original magnification, check the Magnifier tick box (v2007) or click the Magnifier button (v2000-2003) and then click anywhere in the document.

"Save a tree! Print this message only if it's absolutely necessary."
